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The Olympic Sports Karting Club has three tracks. Each track is difficult to combine and can hold professional karting competitions. Ordinary customers and professional drivers will experience the ultimate stimulation of high-speed galloping and centrifugal cornering while driving the track.★ Olympic Sports Outdoor Track 1 is a national B-class track designed in a rectangular area to test the abilities of racing cars and drivers. The total length is 900M and consists of 12 various types of corners;★ The Olympic Sports indoor track is on a double-decker surrounding track, with a total length of 850M and consists of 10 various types of corners and slopes;★ Olympic Sports outdoor track 2 It is a variable track, and the track design is usually revised every two months to allow customers to pursue different entertainment experiences;
Equipped with
★ Various single and double models/dazzling shell sticker styles are at your disposal 
★ Honda GX series 4-stroke engine actuation with stable and reliable performance 
★ High-strength and toughness chromium-molybdenum steel frame, front spring plate + rubber block anti-collision protection 
★ Well-designed pedal system With brake and throttle protection 
★ Steering rod is made of imported nylon material, which greatly enhances shockproof performance 
★ Smooth automatic return function ensures players 155 - 190 tall to override go-kart
Equipped with
Equipped with
★ High-quality helmets, sweat-absorbing gloves and protective clothing ensure the safety of players 
★ Weekly quality inspection of go-kart brakes and engines 
★ Precise timing facilities and systems 
★ Security personnel are on call 
★ High-end emergency medical kits are equipped
★ Dining bar 
★ Desktop ice hockey 
★ Desktop football 
★ Darts 
★ Massage chair 
★ Small children's casino